Tag Archives: Alaska

Seasons of Subsistence

Seasons of Subsistence, a web-photo project by Nick Hall featuring life in Bristol Bay.


I discovered this project in a publication from the Alaska Humanities Forum.  This is a really neat, in-depth project that takes a look at the lives of Native families and individuals in the Bristol Bay region.  To navigate the site, go the left hand side of the screen and watch the menu pop out.  The top link, stories, sends you not to stories in words, but stories in pictures.  Go to Multimedia Stories and wait for the page to load and you will hear the voices of the residents in these small villages as they talk about life and subsistence.

It is really a unique project, but more importantly, a beautiful one.  I’d like to say I am picky about what is placed here, and things that are not pretty–in some way–will not usually make the cut.

I like this site.  It reminds me of why I like it up here, how far I have come, and how much there is left to do.  I am also touched by the fact Nick Hall, the photographer, has created this project independently from contracts or work or other commitments.  He calls this a personal project and I like that.  Both  John and I are in need of those and sometimes it takes something like this to get our heads around the idea and set us straight.